The aim of Masters Degree in Political Science is to provide the learners a sound base in political studies by an in-depth investigation into broad range of political phenomena at the national, regional and international levels.
The Programme provides option for specialising in Political Theories, Comparative Politics, International Relations and Indian Government and Politics. Learners would thus acquire skills in political analysis as well as sharpen their critical and analytical abilities.
The evaluation consists of two parts: 1) continuous evaluation through assignments, and 2) term-end examination. In the final result, continuous evaluation (assignments of a course) carries thirty percent weightage while seventy percent weightage is given to the term-end examination. The following is the scheme of awarding divisions and grades:
Point Grade
80 and above
60 to 79.9
B-Very Good
50 to 59.9
40 to 49.9
Below 40
You are required to score at least forty percent marks in both continuous evaluation (assignments) as well as term-end examination separately. In the overall computation also, you must get at least 40% marks in each course to claim the Degree in Masters in Political Science
Term-end Examinations
As stated earlier, the term-end examination is the major component of the evaluation system and it carries seventy percent weightage in the final result. You must fill and send your send your term-end examination from before the last dates i.e. 31st March for June and 30th September for the December exam.
In case you fail to secure a pass score (forty percent marks) in the term-end examination, you will be eligible to reappear at the next Term-end Examination for that course as and when it is held, within the total span of the programme.
Eligibility for Examination
To be eligible to appear at the Term-end Examination in any course, you are required to fulfil the following four condition:
1) You should have paid the course feed.
2) You should have opted and pursued the prescribed course.
3) You should have submitted the assignments for the respective course.
4) You should submit the examination form in time.